About Folk Feats


Every class at certain levels gives the character a chance to take on certain feats for their character. Here is a comprehensive list to said options. Be aware some have prerequisites and will make note of it.

Adept No Ability Score Increase

Prerequisite: None

You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.

You cannot be surprised while you are conscious.

Enemies do not gain advantage on attacks while hidden from you.

Armor Training +1 to Strength or Dexterity (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

Your armor proficiency increases by one step (ie: if you are proficient with no armor, you gain proficiency with light armor. If you are proficient with light armor, you gain proficiency with medium armor. If you are proficient with medium armor you gain proficiency with heavy armor).

You can take this feat multiple times, increasing your armor proficiency by one step each time you do.

Battlefield Wrestler No Ability Score Increase

Prerequisite: None

You've learned the grappling techniques of the battlefield, where vicious and crowded melees are often taken to the mud. While wielding any melee weapon with two hands, you may switch to a grappling grip as a free action, using your weapon as a point of leverage in the grapple.

While using this grip, you can attempt to grapple a creature even without a free hand. You are prevented from attacking with the weapon while grappling a creature in this manner, however you may attempt to make a unique attack against the creature you are grappling, dealing bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier as you headbutt, knee, or attempt to snap the other creature's joints. Strength is your ability modifier for this attack.

Additionally, once a creature is grappled by you in this manner, you gain a +2 to checks made to shove the creature to the ground.

Combat Medic | Has Prerequisite No Ability Score Increase

Prerequisite: Proficiency with the Medicine skill

As an action in combat, you may attempt to treat the wounds of an ally within 5 feet of you. Make a medicine check, and subtract 10 from the total, the target heals for this amount. An ally must take a long rest before they can benefit from this ability again.

The DC of any check to remove the bleed, hemorrhage, poisoned, fracture, or break condition from a creature is lowered by 2 for you.

Feat 1 | Has Prerequisite / No Prerequisite +1 to (Ability Score) (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

here is info on the feat's skill

Favored of the World Serpent | Has Prerequisite No Ability Score Increase

Prerequisite: Level 8 or higher

You gain resistance to poison damage, if you already have resistance, you gain immunity to poison damage.

You gain the ability to transform into a snake, This ability is subject to the same rules as the Colún Animal Shape trait.

Flexible Combatant No Ability Score Increase

Prerequisite: None

Choose 3 maneuvers in combat with a cost of 1 action. You may now replace an attack with any of the three maneuvers you chose, or use a bonus action to perform them.

Inspiring Leader +1 to Charmisa (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, bolstering their resolve and hardening their will before stepping out into danger. When you do this, any friendly creature within 30 feet that are capable of understanding you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level. While a character has this temporary HP, they have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

Keen Intellect +1 to Intelligence (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

You always know which way is north

You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard in the past month

As an action, you can study an opponent in combat, and attempt to predict what they may do. When you use your action in this way, you may use your reaction to add 1d6 to an attack roll you make against your opponent, or subtract 1d6 from an attack roll your opponent makes against you or an ally. The benefit of this action is lost if not used before the end of your next turn.

Mage Slayer +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

When a creature casts a spell while within melee range of you, they provoke an attack of opportunity from you

When you hit a creature concentrating on a spell with an attack, they make their concentration check at disadvantage.

As a reaction, you may grant yourself advantage on a saving throw against a spell targeting you. You may use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining uses of it on a short rest.

Maneuverable Warrior No Ability Score Increase

Prerequisite: None

Choose three universal maneuvers, you may use these maneuvers as a bonus action, as opposed to an action on your turn.

Mobile No Ability Score Increase

Prerequisite: None

Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.

When you make a melee attack on a creature, you don’t provoke attacks of opportunity from the creature for the rest of your turn.

When you dash, difficult terrain doesn’t cost extra movement.

Ready for Anything No Ability Score Increase

Prerequisite: None

You have a knack for making plans that just happen to come together perfectly in the moment.

You can make preparations for any situation, without actually defining what you’re preparing for out of character. When you take a long rest in a populated area, you can set aside 50 gp per character level as representative of you buying supplies for a nebulous future plan (this money set aside is henceforth known as “the fund”). When you do this, you are considered to have a plan pending.

Once per day, you can take 10 minutes to put a plan into motion, producing an item that you purchased specifically for the sake of this plan, or calling in a service that you’d arranged in advance. When you do this, subtract the cost of the item or service from the fund. Any item produced for the sake of a plan must be medium sized or smaller.

When you spend money in the fund, you can replenish it each time you take a long rest in some form of civilization, setting aside your money to buy things for the road.

Resilient +1 to one Ability Score of your choice (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

You gain proficiency in saving throws with the ability you chose to increase.

Ripped +1 to Strength (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

Your lift and carry capacity doubles

You gain proficiency in Athletics. If you already had proficiency, you gain expertise instead.

Scarred +1 to Constitution (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

You regain 1 hit point when you roll a 19 or 20 on a death saving throw.

When you would be reduced to 0 hit points, make a Constitution saving throw, if the total is greater than the damage that would've reduced you 0 hit points, you remain up with 1 hit point.

You regain the use of this ability on a long rest.

Shield of Swings +1 to Strength or Dexterity (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

While wielding a bladed weapon, when you take the attack action you may forgo adding your proficiency bonus to attack rolls, and instead add it to your AC until the start of your next turn.

Shutdown | Has Prerequisite +1 to Intelligence

Prerequisite: At least 8th level & Mage Slayer

You gain the ability to use the counterspell spell as a magical ability. You can cast this spell a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses on a long rest.

When you cast counterspell using this ability you gain the following bonuses:

  • You do not need to make an Arcana check for your counterspell to take effect.

  • Mages cannot counterspell your counterspells.

    If you counterspell a counterspell, it does not cause a roll on the wild magic table.

  • You only gain these benefits when casting counterspell through this ability. If you are able to cast counterspell using spell slots, it functions as normal.

Skill Mastery +1 to Ability Score of your choice (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

You gain proficiency with one skill, and expertise in one skill with which you are proficient

Skilled +1 to one Ability Score of your choice (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

You gain proficiency in any three skills of your choice.

Small Magic +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

You gain two cantrips and a 1st-circle spell from any class’ spell list (all spells need to come from the same class). You choose your spellcasting ability for these spells when you gain this feat.

You may cast your 1st-circle spell without using a spell slot, or using any spell slots you might have. You must take a long rest before casting without a spell slot a second time.

Tough +1 to Constitution (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

Your hit point maximum increases by 2 for every level you possess, and increases by 2 again each time you gain a level.

Tower of Iron Will | Has Prerequisite +1 to Constitution or Wisdom (max 20)

Prerequisite: Score of at least 15 Wisdom

When you fail a saving throw that would impose a condition on you, you may spend your next turn acting as if you succeeded instead. At the end of your turn, you may choose to let the condition take effect, or to make the saving throw again. If you succeed on the saving throw, the condition doesn’t take effect. If you fail the saving throw, the condition takes effect and has its duration (or potential duration) doubled.

Trained Combatant +1 to Strength or Dexterity (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

You gain a fighting style from the list available to Fighter class.

Feat 1 | Has Prerequisite +1 to Dexterity (max 20)

Prerequisite: Rogue, Score of at least 13 Strength

You’ve learned to apply an incredible amount of precision with weapons that normally would not favor your style of fighting.

Choose one simple or martial weapon that cannot be used with Dexterity, the weapon you choose can be used with Dexterity or Strength.

You cannot select a weapon with the heavy property unless you Strength is greater than or equal to 18.

Weapon Adept +1 to Strength or Dexterity (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

You gain proficiency with three weapons of your choice.

Weapon Adept No Ability Score Increase (max 20)

Prerequisite: None

Choose two weapons with which you are proficient. You gain access to the Expertise skills for those weapons while wielding them.

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