About Folk Feats

Violence Domain

Not all Hierophants are guiding lights, teachers and saviors bringing the gifts of divinity to wanting mortals. Some represent other aspects of divinity. And none are more pure, more base and inherent to all things rooted in the world, than violence.

1st-Level - Violence Adept

As a herald of Violence, the ability to cause harm comes to you naturally. At 1st level, you gain proficiency with Martial weapons, and may cast damaging spells without a focus or material components.

1st-Level - Violence of the Mind

Violence is not just physical matter. Also at 1st level, you also gain proficiency in Intimidation. If you already have proficiency, you instead gain expertise.

3rd-Level - No Pain No Gain

At 3rd level, you empower those around you in battle, allowing your allies to better partake in divine bloodbath at the cost of your personal wellbeing. You gain a new Give of Yourself option. When you sacrifice your hit dice, you lose AC equivalent to the number of hit dice you sacrificed. Afterwards, all allies within 60 feet of you each roll the hit dice you sacrificed and gain that amount in temporary hit points. Additionally, as a Bonus Action on their turn, an affected creature may make a weapon attack. The creature can do this a number of times equal to the number of hit dice you expend. These additional attacks are lost after one minute.

7th-Level - Bestial Frenzy

At 7th level, you, as an Action, may unleash an aura which causes your allies to enter an animalistic bloodthirst, allowing them to ignore injuries and cause grievous wounds. For the next minute, all creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you heal an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier whenever they take damage. Additionally, when a chosen creature reduces another creature to 0 hit points, they gain temporary hit points equivalent to half the damage dealt by the killing blow.

Additionally, while this aura is active and a chosen creature critically strikes another with a weapon attack, you may use your Reaction to exacerbate the injury. The attacked creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Wisdom score). On a failure, they begin Bleeding if they were attacked with a slashing or piercing weapon, or gain a Fracture if they were attacked with a bludgeoning weapon.

11th-Level - Rivers of Blood

Your aura of bloodlust grows even stronger. You do not need to spend your Reaction to grant an additional injury when a designated creature in your Bestial Frenzy makes a critical strike.

14th-Level feature

At 14th level, you learn to awaken the dormant beast within even the most stoic and rational minds through a sacred ritual that requires an area of at least 15 square feet, 50gp of common casting materials, and the sacrifice of a living animal weighing at least 75 lbs or larger.

When you begin this ritual, all creatures within a 100 foot radius are made aware of your presence and immediately become hostile. For the next minute, you are Vulnerable, and must devote your subsequent turns to the completion of the ritual. If at any point during this process you take damage, roll as you would for keeping concentration on a spell. If you fail, the ritual is lost. If you devote any Action (including Free Actions, Bonus Actions, and Reactions) to anything other than the ritual, or if you are prevented or restricted from speaking or moving (as with the Silence spell or the Restrained condition, respectively), the ritual is also lost.

Upon successful completion of this ritual, you may choose any number of creatures, and they have immunity to the following effects. Every other creature within a 100 foot radius enters a crazed madness and possesses an unquenchable thirst for violence for the next 5 minutes. If they see another creature, they must spend any and all actions available attacking it by any means, or spend all movement options moving towards that creature if they cannot attack it from where they are. If they cannot see another creature, they must spend all actions available to them searching for one. If they choose to resist the compulsion, they immediately take 5d6 Psychic damage. This effect can only end after five minutes have passed.

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