About Folk Feats

The Fatale

The pen is mightier than the sword, as the saying goes, but more dangerous than both is a sharp look and a quick tongue. The Fatale’s social skills are as quick as their sword, and their enchanting nature beguiles all those around them.

3rd-Level - Roguish Charm

There’s an intangible quality about you which captivates those you speak to. At 3rd level, after speaking for at least one minute to non-hostile creatures that can understand you, you may force them to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a failure, those creatures are enamored with you. You have advantage on any Charisma-based checks made against them, and they roll any checks made to perceive creatures other than you with disadvantage.

This effect may apply to a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency bonus, and is lost if you do not converse with those creatures again for a half-hour, or if something causes them to become hostile, such as you harming them or their allies, or them learning you have deceived them on some matter.

3rd-Level - Suitcraft

Additionally at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Tailor’s Tools.

6th-level - Like a Glove

At 6th level, you gain expertise with Tailor’s Tools. Additionally, as a part of a long rest, you may pick a set of fine clothes to tailor to yourself. This process costs 25 GP, in addition to any cost required to attain the clothes themselves. If no fine clothes are available, you may make them from scratch if you have the materials, which cost twice as much. Creating your suit in this way requires two long rests; one to gather the materials, and one to piece them together into something suitable.

While wearing these specially-fitted clothes and no armor, your AC is 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Additionally, when making a Persuasion, Intimidation, or Deception check, you may add an additional d4 to the outcome if you are wearing these clothes. You may do this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, regaining uses on a long rest.

9th-level - Stir Doubts

Your innate charm and likability may cause someone to hesitate before attacking you in combat. At 9th level, as a Bonus Action, choose one creature which can see you within 30 feet. That creature must roll a Wisdom saving throw contested by your Persuasion check. On a failure, that creature cannot harm you or your allies, assuming you have not yet harmed it. This effect fails if you have harmed the creature within the past round, and ends early if you or your allies harm it, or someone or something they are very close to (such as their spouse or a lifelong friend).

You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, regaining uses on a long rest.

13th-level - Effortlessly Captivating

Starting at 13th level, when using your Roguish Charm ability on only one creature, you may attempt to captivate them wholly. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw after one minute of uninterrupted conversation as normal. On a failure, that creature becomes infatuated with you. In addition to the usual benefits, this creature regards you as a trusted companion, and you may ask them to perform tasks for you even if they would not otherwise, such as:

You may ask them to perform a similar task a number of times up to your proficiency modifier, regaining all uses on a long rest. The creature must be able to reasonably perform the requested task – a bartender could not grant you access to a high-security prison complex normally – and this task may not be something that would obviously harm them or their allies, such as telling them to attack one of their comrades.

This effect ends early if you choose to use your Roguish Charm ability on another creature, if you do something which would make the targeted creature hostile to you (such as harming them or an ally, or upon discovery that you deceived them), or if you do not converse with them again for 24 hours.

17th-level - Immediate Infatuation

Starting at 17th level, your Roguish Charm and Effortlessly Captivating abilities may be used without spending one minute in conversation with a group of creatures. Additionally, Stir Doubts may be used on multiple creatures at once, up to your Charisma modifier.

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