About Folk Feats


What is Godhand?

GODHAND is a contemporary tabletop roleplaying game utilizing a d20 system and a fairly in-depth - yet simple - set of rules for players to tell stories together.

GODHAND is a game of epic fantasy, in which players use powerful magic and immaculate violence to climb ladders of power in pursuit, or rejection of TRUE DIVINITY. It is a game about causality, faith, and most importantly power. The pursuit of it, the repudiation of it, and the need to cling to it, and what all of these things do to a person’s soul. Your character in GODHAND is a hero (or a villain), doomed to have a close personal relationship with power for as long as they might live. It is your job to define what that relationship is over the course of this story you tell.

This site provides a comprehensive repository of the Godhand system’s rules for character creation, combat, equipment, and so much more.

Click here to join the Godhand Community Discord Server!