About Folk Feats

Momentum Fighter

Every battle has momentum. Controlling and channeling it is the key to victory, and some Fighters thrive off of the rush that comes with a sparking conflict.

3rd-Level - Momentum

Starting at 3rd level, when you roll initiative, you gain 1 point of Momentum. You gain 1 point of Momentum when you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, score a critical hit on an enemy, or evade an attack. You lose 1 point of Momentum if your turn ends and you either haven’t moved, or do not deal damage to an enemy before the beginning of your next turn. Your pool of Momentum cannot exceed your proficiency bonus.

While you have at least 1 point of Momentum, your movement does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. Additionally, when you score a critical hit, you add a number of additional weapon damage dice equal to your current number of Momentum points.

You may expend 1 point of Momentum to use one of your Varied Strikes on your turn without consuming its required action. Once per round, you may also expend 1 point of Momentum to move up to your speed and make an attack, no action required.

If you lose consciousness, you lose all points of Momentum.

7th-Level - Building Motion

At 7th level, you learn more ways to carry your momentum forward. You may choose two new ways to gain Momentum:

  • Back In It: When you recover hit points, you gain 2 points of Momentum.

  • Bloodthirsty: Once per round, when you deal damage to a hostile creature, you gain 1 point of Momentum.

  • Pack Fighter: If your allies reduce an enemy you’ve damaged to 0 hit points, you gain 1 point of Momentum.

  • Skirmisher: Once per round, when you step out of a hostile creature's reach after attacking them, you gain 1 point of Momentum.

  • Tank: Once per round, when you take damage, you gain 1 point of Momentum.

  • Untouchable: At the start of your turn, if you have taken no damage since your last turn, you gain 2 points of Momentum.

10th-Level - Turning Tide

At 10th level, you can use your built-up momentum to shift the tide of battle. You may use 4 points of Momentum as a bonus action to use your Second Wind ability without expending its use, and even if you’ve already used it.

Additionally, if you regain consciousness after dropping to 0 hit points, you gain 1 point of Momentum.

14th-Level - Constant Flux

At 14th level, when you have 5 points of Momentum, you may use 1 point of Momentum to enter a state of constant movement, riding the wake of everything you’ve built up. Your AC increases by half your proficiency bonus (rounded down), your speed is doubled, and you may take an additional action during your turn. If you use this action to take the Attack action, you may only make one weapon attack. Additionally, your weapon attacks deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

At the beginning of each of your turns after you use this ability, you may expend 1 Momentum point, no action required, to sustain it. If you do not, the effect ends.

18th-Level - Object in Motion

At 18th level, your momentum can carry you through death. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may expend 3 points of Momentum to instead drop to 1 hit point.

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