About Folk Feats

Strategist Fighter

Those who specialize in strengthening those around them are strategists, and they are at their most dangerous at the heart of a group of like-minded warriors.

3rd-Level - Restrategize

At 3rd level, when you complete a short rest, you may change one of your Fighter Strategies for another from the Fighter Strategies list.

3rd-Level - Game Plan

Also at 3rd level, you may spend a short rest training a number of people who can understand you equal to your Fighter level. When you do this, you give them a number of abilities equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). They retain these abilities until their next long rest.

The abilities you can train may be taken from the list of Varied Strikes or Fighter Strategies. You must complete a long rest before you can use this ability again.

7th-Level - All Out Attack

At 7th level, you learn to analyze an enemy for weaknesses to exploit, anc can direct your companions on how best to strike. As an action, you may initiate an All-Out Attack. Anyone of your choice, including yourself, who can understand you, has advantage on attack rolls to hit a target you designate, until the beginning of your next turn. On your next turn, you may use your bonus action to extend the duration of the effect to the beginning of your next turn. If you take damage while this effect is active, you must make an Intelligence saving throw with a DC of 10, or half the damage taken, whichever is higher. If you fail this save, the effect immediately ends.

You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this ability again.

10th-Level - Upping the Game

At 10th level, the abilities you can train using your Game Plan ability may be taken from the list of Varied Strikes, Fighter Styles, or Fighter Strategies.

14th-Level - Efficient Command

Starting at 14th level, when you use All Out Attack, each affected creature gains the benefits of the Haste spell for as long as the effect lasts.

18th-Level - Instant Analysis

At 18th level, when you roll initiative, you may use your All-Out Attack without expending its use. Whenever you initiate an All Out Attack, each affected creature may use their reaction to move up to their speed and make a weapon attack against the designated target.

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