About Folk Feats

Truth Domain

Those who accept the complexities of the truth and the incomprehensible simplicity of the honest world may devote themselves to seeking the bare, terrible realities none others seek to acknowledge, with the understanding that the truest answers only ever raise more questions.

1st-Level - Discern and Compel

At 1st level, you may use an Action to impose your power on any creature you can see, forcing them to make a Wisdom saving throw, on a failed save, this creature is unable to speak a lie for one minute. You must finish a short or long rest before using this ability again.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you already have proficiency, you instead gain expertise.

3rd-Level - Faith Unblinded

At 3rd level, you gain a new way to use your Give of Yourself ability. As a Bonus Action, you may impose the Blinded condition on yourself, sacrificing your sight to gain visions into multiple possible futures, straining your mind and body to peer into the myriad truths of all possible outcomes.

While Blinded in this way, you may use your Reaction to expend hit die after a d20 roll is made, adding or subtracting the total of your roll (or rolls) from the total of the original d20 roll as you use your visions to guide an ally through a trial, or warn them of an oncoming danger.

7th-Level - Speaker of Names

At 7th level, you are able to discern truths about a creature more personal than those that lie on the surface. As an Action, you may observe a creature, making an Insight check contested by the creature’s Deception check. On a success, you learn the creature’s true name. Following this, you may use your Bonus Action to speak the creature’s name. Based on the context in which you speak it, you may grant or impose one of the following effects:

11th-Level - Beacon of Truth

At 11th level, you become a guiding light for your allies, allowing them to perceive the true nature of things more clearly. As an Action, you grant any creatures of your choice a bonus to all Investigation, Insight, and Perception checks equal to your Wisdom modifier. Additionally, you grant these creatures the ability to see any invisible creatures or objects. These benefits last for one minute, and you may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses on a long rest.

14th-Level - The Silhouette of a Whale Passes Beneath A Small Fishing Vessel

At 14th level, you gain the ability to invoke the incomprehensible that lies both beyond and within reality, as a reckoning of truth in its purest form others are not ready to understand.

As an Action, you begin invoking this truth, and must do so for an additional two turns. While you are using your Action in this way, you are Vulnerable. If you take damage at any point before the casting is finished, roll as you would when maintaining concentration on a spell. If you fail, the ability is lost until you regain it normally. If you are otherwise interrupted, lose the ability to speak or move, or fail to use your Action to continue the casting until completion, the ability is lost until you regain it normally.

After your third turn, all creatures you choose within a 100 foot radius of you must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a successful save, they take 15d6 psychic damage. On a failed save, they take 15d6 psychic damage, and gain the Insane condition. For each creature who fails the save, roll a d4. On this d4, a 1 represents hours, a 2 represents days, a 3 represents weeks, and a 4 represents months. After rolling this d4, roll a d100. The result of this d100 roll is the length of time the creature is Insane (as per the condition), using the unit of time rolled on the d4.

If a creature critically fails this save (rolling a natural 1) they do not gain the insane condition, but instead gain both the prone, and stunned conditions, and are unable to speak coherently, as they fall to the ground babbling madly. When rolling a d4 to determine the length of the creature’s insanity, a 1 represents days, a 2 represents weeks, a 3 represents months, and a 4 represents years.

You may use this ability once, regaining its use on a long rest.

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